I'm in a mag. Again!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Yay!  January edition of Style at Home magazine has finally come out and I received my copy in the post today.  I've been so excited about seeing which bits they printed of me throughout the mag's features so now I can reveal all.

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The first time you see me in the mag is on the reader panel introduction page.  I'm at the top right hand corner so quite well placed.  I sent SAH a photo of some of my favourite bedroom inspirations.  A Miss Dior advert postcard I was sent a few years ago is a picture I actually really like.  I love the look of it, and it's something I've planned to base a photoshoot around at some point.

The second picture in that photo is an advert for part of a Beatrix Potter original art works gallery which went on loan temporarily from the gallery in the Lake District to Nunnington Hall near Helmsley, North Yorkshire.  I loved the image not only for Beatrix Potters beautiful drawing of the Two Bad Mice but also for how it was produced in a pretty and vintage way.  Credit to the graphic designer!

You'll also see a couple of teapots.  I actually bought these recently form B&Q of all places.  Would you believe they were Christmas decorations?!  They were so quirky and cute, I instantly wanted them to go in the bedroom.  I replaced the hanging cord with some pretty pastel coloured ribbons that I had.  In the bigger picture I'm hoping to create a fab shabby chic/vintage themed bedroom.

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Being part of the reader panel I was sent tonnes of PDFs of the scheduled magazine so I had to comment on lots of the features.  I was asked what my opinion was of the print cushions.  To be honest I probably wouldn't buy any of them but the cutest was definitely the alarm clock cushion.

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I never considered myself a big fan of metallics in the home but this feature made me re-think that.  I quite liked the pewter theme with it's sweet heart decs and cushions.  Some shades can be pretty tacky and brash but I think it's getting the neutrality right.

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 I LOVE themes that embrace nature and Christmas is the best way to bring in the feel of the outdoors.  For the past so many years I've enjoyed using real oranges as decoration.  In the past I would simply hang the orange slices that had been drying out in a low temperature oven on the Christmas tree but this year I made a garland.  We've only been in the house we're in now since earlier this year so it's always a challenge when it comes to festively decorating the house.  There's places you have available to decorate that you didn't have last year and then there's things you don't have this time.  The fireplace here doesn't have a mantle piece so the garland we usually put up wouldn't really go.  In the run up to Christmas I made my fruity garland with the intention of putting it above the fire, and it does look great!  Basically I strung orange slices on cord and tied bows intermittently in differing patterns to make it look really handmade and vintage.  My mum passed onto me several boxes of dried flowers and bits and pieces from my late Grandma and I added from this some poinsettia heads.  I like the thought behind doing this too, kinda like an heirloom.

my orange garland with a christmas 'Noel' dec in the centre

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I sooo knew they would print my comments for this article!  Who else would sing the praises of such a bargain as a £13 drill?!  I've got a thing for bargains and another thing at the moment for zesty colours.  I think that was why I felt drawn to the new design Soda Stream.  I love the colour.  This is the shade I'm channeling through the bathroom and toilet room,  I like it because it's so fresh.  I don't think the toilet would be the best place for a Soda Stream though...

January 2012 Style at Home magazine is out now if you want to see me in the mag.  It's a really good read too, I'll definitely be taking some inspirational ideas from it this month.  :-)


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